After your divorce has been finalized, you’re probably eager to put the whole thing behind you. Some people even ask our Dallas County divorce lawyers if they can get rid of the records from their case. We’ll tell you what we tell them. You should not get rid of your divorce records, and there really isn’t a specific time where we can recommend throwing them away.

When Can I Get Rid of My Divorce Records?

The simple answer is that you really should not ever get rid of your divorce records. One day you may find that you need them, and not having them is just going to create a logistical headache. Keep them and store them somewhere safe, like in a fireproof box or in a safety deposit box at the bank.

When would you need your divorce records? They could be required if you:

  • Decide to get remarried
  • Refinance your home in just your name, without your former spouse
  • Want to change your name
  • Update documents like your passport, license, and credit cards after changing your name

There could also be other situations where you need definitive proof that your divorce has been finalized. The separation agreement, part of your divorce records, can also be useful if your former spouse is not sticking to the arrangements that you made. For example, if they are not paying child support or alimony as agreed, you have a document you can easily refer to.

Are Digital Copies of Divorce Records Enough?

Backing up your divorce records and making a digital copy is certainly a good idea. These digital documents can probably be used in many situations where you have to prove your divorce. However, not everyone is going to accept a digital representation of your divorce records. You still need that hard copy in some scenarios, and you don’t want to be left high and dry if someone won’t accept digital copies.

What Other Documents Need to Be Kept?

It’s also important to keep a copy of your marriage license, especially if you were married to your former spouse for more than ten years. This is because you may be able to receive a portion of your ex’s retirement benefits once you reach a certain age. If you think that this is something that you could be eligible for, ask our lawyers for more details and we can help you figure out what you are entitled to.

What Can I Do If I Lost My Records?

Do not despair if you lose your divorce records. You just need to contact the Clerk of District Court in the county where your divorce took place. We recommend just keeping the original copies safe if you can though.

Talk to Our Family Lawyers

If you are considering divorce, contact Iowa Defenders, PLLC. You should have a lawyer who is ready to advocate for you and help you fight for a fair deal. Schedule a consultation and learn more about what we can do for you.