If you get accused of hurting someone, you may be charged with assault. In some situations, the state can decide to charge you with a more serious crime, aggravated assault, instead. Our Dallas County assault lawyers can tell you the difference between these types of charges and help you defend yourself.

When Can Someone Be Charged With Aggravated Assault?

Someone can be charged with aggravated assault for many reasons. Common justifications for upgrading to this charge include:

  • Someone suffering serious injuries
  • A defendant allegedly threatened someone with serious injuries
  • The use of a deadly weapon, like a gun or knife
  • An accusation that this assault was also a hate crime
  • The victim developed mental illness as a result of the alleged assault
  • You have been accused of targeting a protected type of worker, like a first responder

What Are the Potential Punishments For Aggravated Assault?

A conviction for aggravated assault is basically guaranteed to result in prison time. How long your stay will be depends largely on which degree of crime you are charged with:

  • Misdemeanor aggravated assault: Up to two years in prison and a fine of $855 to $8,540
  • A Class D felony: Up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,245
  • A Class C felony: Up to 10 years in prison and potential fines of more than $13,000

These aren’t the only penalties you could end up facing though. Your criminal convictions can also end up affecting aspects of your life, especially if you are a student, a noncitizen, or someone with a professional license. A criminal record can also make it more difficult to find a job or housing. This is why you need to figure out exactly how you’re going to defend yourself.

How Can I Defend Myself From These Charges?

Every case is different, but there are a few common defenses against aggravated assault charges that we can employ. We could:

  • Argue that this is a false allegation
  • Claim mistaken identity
  • Show that there is good reason to doubt the credibility of a witness
  • Claim you were acting in defense of yourself or others
  • Argue that you lacked the intent to harm someone else or cause fear
  • Show that you have an alibi

If there are ways to sow reasonable doubt and show that a prosecutor’s case against you isn’t as airtight as it might initially seem, your attorney will do their best to find the best approach.

Talk to a Defense Attorney

If you want to learn more about how you can defend yourself from aggravated assault charges, contact Iowa Defenders, PLLC. We can schedule a case consultation and tell you more about what our attorneys can do for you.