Most people don’t enjoy the divorce process, so we understand the urge to rush through it and just get an agreement finalized. We do not recommend this though. It’s important to take your time and make sure that you get a fair deal in your divorce. You should talk to our Dallas County divorce lawyers and be ready to negotiate.
What Can Happen If I Rush the Divorce Process?
It can be tempting to just get your divorce agreement hashed out and finalized, but you could end up regretting that. Rushing through the process could mean that:
You may not be properly represented: You should have a lawyer, even if your spouse doesn’t think that’s necessary. A lawyer stands up for you and your interests. They can make sure that you are not taken advantage of. Do not forego representation because you think that will help things wrap up a bit quicker.
You might miss crucial information: Speedrunning a divorce can also mean that you miss out on crucial information that you need to negotiate. A big issue can be hidden debts or assets. If your spouse is not upfront about what they have and you don’t take the time to do your due diligence, you could end up getting the short end of the stick.
If I Rush and Make a Mistake, Can it Be Fixed Later?
It may be possible to fix a mistake later, but it’s not always easy to do that. Generally, your ex has to be willing to come to the negotiating table as well. If you rushed through this process and the final divorce agreement ended up being quite favorable to them, they may not have much of an incentive to make any kind of deal.
This is part of the reason why it can also be a good idea to consider what kinds of future developments should trigger changes to your divorce agreement. We’ll talk about that more in a second.
How Should I Approach the Divorce Process?
Instead of just trying to get your divorce completed as quickly as possible, you should think about how to make sure that you are negotiating from a place of strength. You should:
Think about your state of mind: A divorce can be stressful. Take some time to focus on your mental health and make sure that you are in a good headspace when you are trying to figure out a divorce agreement.
Consider litigation alternatives: You don’t have to settle every matter in court. Some alternatives, like mediation or collaborative divorce, might allow you and your ex to settle some issues in mutually beneficial ways.
Consider the future: As we mentioned above, things can change. You should plan for events that could potentially affect your divorce agreement, from remarriages to moves, and know when new terms should be negotiated.
Meet With Our Legal Team
So don’t rush through your divorce and end up with an unfavorable agreement. Contact Iowa Defenders, PLLC to schedule a consultation with our team and learn more about how we can help you stand up for your interests.